
How to Register

All new patients must live within the practice area as defined on the map below.

Catchment Area

We have included many of the University Halls of residence in this practice area. Whilst we recognise that many students may already have a GP at home, we must stress the importance of registering with a local GP in Sunderland who will be able to access your records from your previous GP.

To join the practice patients must fill in a pre-registration questionnaire and a form must be signed on the first visit to the surgery for your new patient health check with the Practice Nurse before you officially become a patient of St Bede Medical Centre. Pre-registration forms are available from the surgery or can be filled in here online and sent to us via a secure link.

Travel Advice and Vaccinations

Please make an appointment with any of the Practice Nurses.

Contraceptive Services

All of the doctors are able to give contraceptive advice during regular surgeries.

Services we provide include:

  • Prescribing of contraceptive pill and injections. Condoms are also supplied free.
  • Emergency contraceptive available as a pill to be taken up to 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. Please ring to speak to the duty doctor after morning surgery or you can contact reception staff for a list of pharmacies providing this service.
  • Contraceptive Implants: Please discuss this with your doctor who may then recommend a further appointment with Dr Dimigen for the procedure.

Get a Sick Note

Students do not usually require a sick note as they are not employed.

In exceptional circumstances, should the University require a sick note, a private sick note may be issued following discussion with the GP and is chargeable – the current fee is £13.00.